Co-Chief Executive
Glynwen Chetcuti
The glue that binds the team, Glynwen working alongside Mark Dimmock manages the smooth running of the charity.
She also coordinates our wonderful volunteer team along with our Hearing Aid Maintenance programme.
Her cheery, calm exterior belies the fact she's a demon dancer, who loves nothing better than a mixed tape, great company and a G&T!

Co-Chief Executive
Mark Dimmock
Mark has worked in journalism for over forty years and is the charity's 'Mr Network', busy raising the profile of the charity throughout the county and beyond. When not talking, which is rare, Mark loves all things mountain and a beer after a long day's climb.

Business Development & Technical Manager
Jon Cope
With a background in live events, Jon brings a wealth of experience and understanding on how tech works.
Always on the lookout for the latest innovations and how they can improve the lives of our users, he even speaks 'non geek'.
Outside work, Jon is busy being a dad to baby Violet, our youngest volunteer, who joined aged one day old!

Tracey Croswell
In a varied life, Tracey has done it all. From working on an ice cream van to being a biker girl! Tracey's kind, patient approach is a sure fire hit with our clients When not installing equipment she's busy running our online shop or being the world's busiest face painter at one of our roadshow events!

Nick Chincotta
Our one man machine. Nick travels more miles and meets more people than anyone else at the charity as he installs assistive equipment in homes throughout the county.
When not travelling the highways and byways, Nick loves to hit the road again, in his running shoes. As a trained cook he's the team's onsite chef. An all round superman!

Community Outreach
Fiona Hassan
Fiona, heads up our community outreach and social programmes. With an extensive knowledge of the needs of our community, she's passionate about making sure no one is isolated due to a hearing disability.
When not at work, Fiona hops on her bike to join her ukulele band in a venue near you!

Volunteer Co-Ordinator & BSL Teacher
Mark Oulton
Born deaf, BSL is Mark's first language and English is his second. He teaches BSL and leads our Deaf Awareness training courses. His method of teaching is legendary with fun and laughter his secret ingredient!
As a lover of fine wine, Mark, is, like his favourite tipple, a joy to be around!

Community Engagement & Microsuction Technician
Mary Irving
Bio coming soon

Microsuction Technician
Jo Lacey
Bio coming soon

Microsuction Technician
Gill Rogers
Bio coming soon

Dave Bone
Bio coming soon...

Jo Martyr
Bio coming soon...

Gill Morris
Bio coming soon...

Adrian Carter
Pic and bio coming soon...

Sue Thursfield
Bio coming soon...

Karen Norwood
Bio coming soon...
Apply Today
Can you spare a couple of hours a month? Then why not join our team as one of our volunteers. To see our current positions available please click below.